Know More About Us

Epren Academy is a mixed day school. The school is located in Savannah Estate Phase IV opposite Donholm Primary School. It is 0.7 Km from the Total Petrol Station on Donholm Road off Outer Ring Road. The school has modern learning facilities and has a big field for games.

Epren Academy is managed by educationists who are passionate about children’s learning. Both teaching and supportive staff are guided by Epren ethos which regards the child as the center of interest.

For pupils aged 3 to 14, Epren Academy offers preschool through grade 9. With a focus on 21st century skills, we prepare the next generation of leaders and innovators through cutting-edge teaching techniques.

Mission Statement

To provide holistic education to equip the learners with life skills for self fulfilment and positive contribution to the society

Vision Statement

To be the school of choice in the provision of quality primary education in the country

Our Core Values

Honesty, integrity, discipline, respect, service.

The school will inculcate the above values to our children in readiness for global citizenship.

School verse

Children, obey your parents in the lord for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with the promise: that it may be well with you and you may live long in the earth (Ephesians 6: 1-2 -NKJV).