Admissions Procedure

Your journey with Epren Academy begins here

We are honored that you are thinking of choosing us to provide for your child’s education, and we look forward to developing a strong working relationship with you. The purpose of our application process is to recognize the distinctive features of each applicant, discover their abilities, and decide how best to support them.

Required documents and conditions

Please ensure that you have all the following documentation ready in pdf or jpeg format before you apply online

  1. Current report signed by thechild’s present head teacher on the child’s studies and conduct.
  2.  Original and a copy of birth certificate
  3. The reception of this form does not constitute a promise that the child will be accepted.
  4. Any child joining the school during the term will pay the full terms fees.
  5. At least one terms notice in writing must be given before a child is withdrawn. In the event of this not being done, a terms’ fees will be charged in lieu of notice
  6. In case of illness the school will take the child to the nearest Public Hospital
  7. Epren Academy reserves the right to remove any child who is not likely to benefit by staying any longer, or if the child’s conduct shows that he or she is not a fit member of the community, or whose fees has not been paid

Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact the school.